While I have been working as a voice over artist for a while (or should I say, struggling to break into this field?), this is the first post for a blog I am starting to document my journey. I have heard such a blog can be a "valuable marketing tool", I guess I am also approaching it as a personal tool---a way to track my own progress and see just where this path leads.
I have my first audio book in release, and I have to say that I am quite proud of it. It is called "Wet Places At Noon", and it is a collection of short stories by Lee K. Abbott. It is available at
iTunes, and
amazon.com, and I have to admit it is exciting to see my name on all those sites!

I recorded it under the talented direction of Beth Richmond at her
Giving Voice Studios, and I have to give her props for the incredible job she did, in producing, engineering, and directing this newbie at the mic. She is my "secret weapon", and helped me deliver the best performance that was in me. She is a well established audio book narrator herself, with numerous titles to her credit, as well as being an accomplished actor. Her presence was one of the reasons I was able to pull this together, from recording the audition to the post production work. I am utterly grateful to her.
The book itself was a joy to read. Abbott is an incredible writer, filling his stories with quirky personalities and putting them in situations that test their character and, at times, their sanity. His gift for description is rich and unique, and his tales are full of the unusual and unexpected. There is not a wasted word in his writing. I feel blessed to be given the opportunity to interpret this man's work.
I booked this project though the
Audiobook Creation Exchange, a venue for matching producers, narrators, and authors, and I have to say it is a wonderful new way to find work as a narrator. I look forward to more titles through their site.
I feel there is a new validity to my work in having this project out in the world. I am able to see myself more truly as a narrator, and as a person that maybe a few folks will want to listen to. That is pretty awesome, and gives me a new hope and happiness in pursuing this dream.